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Domestic medical connectors will replace imports in the golden age of development!

2022-12-17 16:30:09

Domestic medical connectors will replace imports in the golden age of development!

According to foreign media reports, US President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Tuesday that Ford, General Motors and Tesla had said on Twitter that they were "authorized" to produce ventilators, and called on domestic automobile companies to turn to ventilators and other medical equipment to alleviate the ventilator gap caused by the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. According to Russian media reports on Wednesday, Russia allocated 659 million yuan to purchase ventilators. As the world's largest ventilator manufacturer, Russia may hand over these orders to Chinese companies. Previously, Italy also came to China to purchase a large number of ventilators.

On the the fourth day of the Spring Festival in 2020, CJT Changjiang Connector of Shenzhen Connector Industry Association received an emergency call from Mindray asking whether it is possible to express a product sample of a certain model and replace the original supplier as quickly as possible. In order to support medical equipment manufacturers on the front line of the epidemic, CJT Changjiang Connector immediately launched an emergency response plan, with core personnel working overtime to develop and ultimately help customers solve the problem of replacing connector models.

With the implementation of China's new medical reform and the continuous improvement of medical informatization level, the market demand for connectors in the medical field in China is constantly increasing, and has become the second largest market in the global medical device market. According to forward-looking industry research data, the size of China's medical device market exceeded 600 billion yuan in 2019, and the average compound growth rate for the next five years (2019-2023) is about 14.41%. It is expected that the size of China's medical device market will exceed 1 trillion yuan in 2023, reaching 1076.7 billion yuan. Some domestic connector listed companies such as AVIC Optoelectronics, Lixun Precision, and Jinnuoxin have entered the medical field.

With the outbreak and upgrading of novel coronavirus pneumonia worldwide, all kinds of medical supplies are in short supply. Affected by this, the demand for medical orders has surged, driving the increasing demand for upstream electronic components. As one of the main components of medical electronic products, connectors have ushered in an explosion of demand. The medical electronics field has become a new growth point for connector applications and injected new vitality into the vigorous development of the domestic connector industry.

But according to relevant media reports, medical electronic components are thriving in Europe and America, with the European and American markets occupying half of the country. Previously, Huazhong CNC urgently sought help from society due to inventory of various components of infrared thermometers. There is also an issue of excessive reliance on overseas manufacturers for connectors.

Under normal circumstances, the medical connector market has several characteristics: firstly, high admission conditions and the need to pass ISO13485 certification; Secondly, there are many varieties and small batches. Due to the low quantity, low update rate, and high price, domestic enterprises do not mainly focus on medical connectors. Most of the connectors for domestic treatment equipment are monopolized by foreign factories, and the above-mentioned related enterprises are not good at medical connectors.

The sudden outbreak of the epidemic has exposed the insufficient reserves of some emergency medical equipment in medical institutions. As a major producer of medical supplies, with the continuous improvement of the epidemic, China is also expanding its production capacity of epidemic prevention materials to alleviate global demand. However, the issue of medical connectors relying on imports will further highlight in the context of limited international logistics caused by the global epidemic outbreak, affecting the normal production of domestic related enterprises. In special circumstances, a large-scale outbreak of demand may create domestic substitution opportunities for local suppliers.



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